Telehealth Sessions

 Telehealth is a secure and confidential videoconferencing or telephone counseling system that allows clients and therapists to still connect for therapy when they are not able to meet in person. For video sessions we use a system called Simple Practice, which can be used on your phone, tablet, laptop and/or computer. You will receive a link prior to your session, and payments can be processed online for convenience.

There are many advantages to using video modalities for therapy:

· Makes therapy accessible, no matter your lifestyle.

· Counseling can be accessible to everyone, including those who live in rural or remote areas, who are caring for young children, who have chronic physical health concerns which limit their ability to leave the house, or who prefer to seek support from a professional outside of their location.


 · People can access counseling support from the comfort and safety of their own home, without having to factor in travel time and costs. This can be convenient for people who have a busy schedule and need more flexibility with appointments.

· People have also reported an increased sense of control and safety by engaging in counseling in their own environment, leading to effective rapport and trust-building.

As your counseling appointments and well-being are important to us, we will utilize the consultation appointments to deem it appropriate depending on your needs.